Delve into the glamorous world of PINUP CHARACTER POSES REFERENCE [525 IMAGES]  High-Res Images," a vibrant collection that brings the classic charm of pinup art to the modern era. This extensive set features over 520 high-resolution images depicting various poses, including classic pinup, sitting, and unique compositions like posing on a cube. Perfect for artists who seek to capture the essence of vintage allure with a contemporary twist, these poses are ideal for illustrating, character design, and digital art projects. Whether you're creating a calendar, comic book, or character concept, this collection provides a rich source of inspiration to bring your artistic visions to life.

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Disclaimer: All models in our photoshoots participate willingly and are compensated fairly for their exceptional work. Any intense scenes, nudity, or pose choices are discussed with and approved by them. None of the models' reference pictures are intended to infringe upon any cultural beliefs or include culturally inappropriate elements.

Standard License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Standard License Read MoreRead Less
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160 Bytes
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13 GB
Extended Commercial License
License: Extended Commercial License
Stock Assets

For use on an unlimited number of commercial projects with no limits on sales or views.

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Extended Commercial License Read MoreRead Less
Files (2)
txt /
160 Bytes
zip /
13 GB