Daily Sketching Reference Pack [Free with Code]

 Daily Sketching Reference Pack

[Free with Code] - FREEDAILY2

The "Great Pack, Less Price" is exclusively for our valued customers. This woman's expressions reveal her multifaceted personality. The 350+ reference pictures capture her piercing gaze, mischievous smirks, and moments of vulnerability. We often find artistic depictions of the female form limited to its external beauty, but there is so much more to be discovered beneath the surface. In this project, I aim to delve deeper into the anatomy of the female body, understanding the connections and interplay of muscles that contribute to its grace and power. Let us embrace this journey of exploration and growth together, and celebrate the beauty of the female form in all its glory.

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Disclaimer: All models in our photoshoots participate willingly and are compensated fairly for their exceptional work. Any intense scenes, nudity, or pose choices are discussed with and approved by them. None of the models' reference pictures are intended to infringe upon any cultural beliefs or include culturally inappropriate elements.

Note: These pictures are not to be used by any AI database or AI training system for training or improving AI algorithms or models.

 #woman #femalepinupposes  #femaleemotions #referencephoto #womanbeauty #standingposes #artposes #femaleartposes #dailysketching #referencepictures #femalephotos #femalebody #femaleposes 

Standard License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Files (1)
Hyper Angle
zip /
2.8 GB