Daily Sketching Portraits & Lighting 320+ [Different Emotions & Lighting effects]

Portrets & Lighting 280 [Different Emotions & Lighting effects]

This unique array showcases a mesmerizing female character adorned with fairy ears, captured in a myriad of emotions and under various lighting effects. Designed to spark inspiration and enhance your drawing skills, this collection is perfect for artists looking to explore the nuances of facial expressions and the dramatic impact of light on art.

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Disclaimer: All models in our photoshoots participate willingly and are paid fairly for their outstanding work. Any intense scenes, nudity, and pose choices are discussed and approved by them. None of the model's reference pictures are meant to infringe upon any beliefs or culturally inappropriate elements presented in the reference packs. NOTE: These pictures shall not be used by any AI database or AI training system for training or improving AI algorithms or models.

Standard License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Standard License Read MoreRead Less
Files (3)
Link to dropbox, READ ME
txt /
1.1 KB
V2 portrets Jpeg
zip /
47 MB
Portrets 280+
zip /
250 MB
Extended Commercial License
License: Extended Commercial License
Stock Assets

For use on an unlimited number of commercial projects with no limits on sales or views.

Learn More
Extended Commercial License Read MoreRead Less
Files (3)
Link to dropbox, READ ME
txt /
1.1 KB
V2 portrets Jpeg
zip /
47 MB
Portrets 280+
zip /
250 MB